Showing 1–28 of 35 results


Ascitic Fluid Culture and Sensitivity

UGX 55,000

Fasting may be required

This test examines abdominal fluid for bacterial presence, guiding doctors in treating abdominal infections effectively. It involves collecting fluid from the abdomen for analysis

Blood Culture and Sensitivity (Aerobic)

UGX 70,000

No special preparation needed

This test detects aerobic bacteria in the bloodstream, aiding in diagnosing and treating infections. It involves collecting a blood sample for analysis.

Blood Culture and Sensitivity (Anaerobic)

UGX 80,000

No special preparation needed

This test detects anaerobic bacteria in the bloodstream, aiding in diagnosing and treating severe infections. It involves collecting a blood sample for analysis.

Brucella Agglutination Test

UGX 15,000

Sputum sample or other appropriate sample types.

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test confirms brucellosis by detecting antibodies produced in response to Brucella infection

C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

UGX 30,000

No specific preparation needed

Typically within a day.

Measures levels of CRP, a marker of inflammation, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus

Creatinine Kinase MB

UGX 40,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a few hours

Creatinine Kinase MB is an enzyme released into the blood during heart muscle damage, aiding in heart attack diagnosis


Creatinine Test

UGX 15,000

Fasting may be required depending on the specific test

Usually within a day.

Measures the level of creatinine in the blood to assess kidney function and diagnose kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury.

CSF Culture and Sensitivity

UGX 97,000

No special preparation needed

This test examines cerebrospinal fluid to detect bacteria, aiding in diagnosing and treating neurological infections. It involves collecting fluid from the spine or brain for analysis

Direct Bilirubin

UGX 15,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test assesses direct bilirubin levels, which can indicate liver or bile duct issues when elevated

Fasting Blood Sugar

UGX 7,000

Fasting overnight

Typically within a day

Fasting blood sugar levels provide insight into the body's ability to regulate glucose levels in the absence of food intake

Glycosylated Haemoglobin Test (HbA1c)

UGX 40,000

Sputum sample or other appropriate sample types.

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test provides a long-term view of blood sugar control, aiding in diabetes management

H. Pylori Antibody Test

UGX 18,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test detects antibodies produced in response to H. pylori infection, providing information about past or ongoing exposure

H. pylori Antigen Test

UGX 24,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test identifies H. pylori antigens in stool, indicating active infection with the bacteria

Hematology Tests


No special preparation needed

Varies depending on the specific tests performed.

    • Hematology tests assess blood cell counts, hemoglobin levels, and other parameters to diagnose conditions like anemia, leukemia, and infections.

Hepatitis B Core Antibody

UGX 50,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a few days

This test helps diagnose hepatitis B infection or assess immunity status.

Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen

UGX 50,000

No special preparation needed

Usually within a few days.

This test assesses the stage and severity of hepatitis B infection

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

UGX 15,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test identifies hepatitis B infection

Hepatitis C Antibody Test

UGX 50,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a few days.

This test helps diagnose hepatitis C infection

HIV Elisa

UGX 65,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

ELISA is a screening test for HIV; a positive result requires further confirmatory testing.

HIV Screening Test

UGX 10,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test detects HIV antibodies or antigens, indicating HIV infection.

Laboratory Services Tele-Consultation

UGX 50UGX 65
Access expert medical consultation for your lab results anytime, anywhere. Our tele-consultation service ensures timely, professional medical advice following lab tests conducted by our mobile laboratory. Stay informed and in control of your health with ease.

Liver Function Test

UGX 40,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This comprehensive test assesses liver function by measuring levels of enzymes, proteins, and bilirubin in the blood

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

UGX 37,000

Blood samples taken at different intervals after drinking a glucose solution.

Fasting overnight; drinking a glucose solution; blood samples taken at intervals.

Usually within a day

This test assesses how the body processes glucose over time, helpful for diagnosing diabetes

Random Blood Sugar (RBS)

UGX 8,000

Sputum sample or other appropriate sample types.

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

RBS provides an immediate snapshot of blood sugar levels, useful for diagnosing diabetes or assessing short-term control

Sputum ZN-Stain

UGX 15,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

This test stains sputum samples to identify tuberculosis-causing bacteria under a microscope

Sputum ZN, Gram Stain + Culture and Sensitivity

UGX 68,000

No special preparation needed

This test examines mucus from the lungs to identify bacteria, including tuberculosis, aiding in respiratory infection diagnosis and treatment. It involves collecting mucus for analysis

Stool Analysis

UGX 13,000

No special preparation needed

Typically within a day

Stool analysis examines stool consistency, color, and presence of abnormal substances, providing insights into gastrointestinal health

Stool Analysis + Culture and Sensitivity

UGX 58,000

No special preparation needed

This test examines stool for bacterial presence, aiding in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal infections. It involves providing a stool sample for analysis.

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